What are the four 4 areas of network management?

The 4 Areas of Network Management


Network management is the process of administering and controlling computer networks. It involves the maintenance of performance, functionality, and security of the network. There are four main areas of network management: Fault Management, Configuration Management, Accounting Management, and Performance Management.


Fault Management


Fault management involves the detection and resolution of network issues. It is the process of identifying problems and taking corrective action to restore the network to its normal operating state. Fault management includes monitoring network devices and applications, identifying and diagnosing faults, and executing corrective actions. It helps to minimize downtime and keep the network running optimally.


Configuration Management


Configuration management involves managing the settings and configurations of network devices and applications. It includes maintaining an inventory of network assets, tracking changes to configurations, and ensuring compliance with organizational policies and standards. Configuration management helps to prevent unauthorized access, maintain consistency in network operations, and reduce errors caused by misconfigurations.


Accounting Management


Accounting management involves tracking the use of network resources and services. It includes monitoring usage patterns, allocating costs to users or departments, and enforcing usage policies and quotas. Accounting management helps to optimize network performance, control costs, and ensure fair and equitable usage of resources.


Performance Management


Performance management involves monitoring and optimizing network performance. It includes measuring the speed, availability, and reliability of network services, identifying bottlenecks and other performance issues, and taking corrective action to improve performance. Performance management helps to ensure that the network meets the needs of users, delivers the required level of service, and supports organizational goals and objectives.