What are the five areas of network management defined by the ISO?

Introduction to ISO Network Management Standards


The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) provides a set of network management standards to ensure that computer networks are efficient, secure and reliable. These standards provide guidelines for the planning, implementation, and maintenance of network systems. ISO network management standards ensure that organizations and businesses can manage their network infrastructures effectively and efficiently.


ISO Network Management Models and Architectures


The ISO defines two network management models: the Functional Model and the Information Model. The Functional Model defines the components and their relationships that are necessary for network management. The Information Model defines the structure of information used in network management systems. ISO also defines three network management architectures: the Centralized Management Architecture, the Distributed Management Architecture, and the Hierarchical Management Architecture. These models and architectures help organizations to design and implement network management systems that meet their specific needs.


ISO Network Management Functional Areas


The ISO defines five functional areas of network management: Fault Management, Configuration Management, Accounting Management, Performance Management, and Security Management. Fault Management involves identifying and resolving network problems and failures. Configuration Management involves managing the network’s configuration information such as device inventory, software versions, and network topology. Accounting Management involves tracking network usage, such as bandwidth utilization and user activity. Performance Management involves monitoring network performance and ensuring network resources are available when needed. Security Management involves protecting the network from unauthorized access or attacks. By identifying these functional areas, organizations can structure their network management systems to efficiently manage each area of network management.


ISO Network Management Processes


The ISO defines a set of processes that organizations can follow to implement effective network management systems. The processes include: Planning and Implementation, Monitoring and Control, and Evaluation and Improvement. Planning and Implementation involves designing and implementing a network management system that meets the organization’s specific needs. Monitoring and Control involves monitoring network performance, security, and other areas of network management, and ensuring that the network is operating effectively. Evaluation and Improvement involves assessing the effectiveness of the network management system and making improvements as needed.


ISO Network Management Best Practices


ISO provides a set of best practices that organizations can use to optimize their network management systems. These best practices include: Establishing policies and procedures, Documenting network configurations, Assigning roles and responsibilities, Establishing performance benchmarks and goals, and Regularly reviewing and updating network management systems. By following these best practices, organizations can ensure that their network management systems are effective and efficient, and can adapt to changing network requirements.